District of Massachusetts 707(b) Presumption of Abuse under 707 727OBJ Objection to the Discharge of the Debtor ADDCHG Change of Address ADVPEND Adversary Pending APLDIST Appeal to District APPEAL APPEAL ASSET ASSET CAPE Cape Flag CASE_STRICKEN Case Stricken CLAIMAGENT Claims Agent CLAIMS Claims have been docketed to this case CLOSED Case Closed CONS Consolidated Case CONVERTED Case Converted CounDue Certificate of Credit Counseling CredAdd Add Creditor to Matrix DBDIS First Debtor Discharged DBDSM First Debtor Dismissed DEFER Fee Deferred DISCDENY Discharge Denied DISCHARGED Case Discharged DISMISS Dismissed DISMISS109g Case Dismissed 109g DISMISSED Case Dismissed DISREVOKED Discharge Revoked DISWAIVE Discharged Waived DSO Domestic Support Obligation DeBN-Yes DeBN Added DeBNDeactivated DeBN Deactivated DebtEd Financial Mgt - Debtor Education Certificate Due DirApl Direct Appeal to Circuit Court DsclsDue Disclosure Statement Due FUNDS Funds Deposited in Court Registry FederalExemption Federal Exemption FeeDue FeeDue FeeDueINST Installment Payment Due HrdshpDis Hardship Discharge ID Theft Victim ID Theft Victim IFP IFP fee Waived IMPOUND Documents Impounded INTP Interpleader INTRA Intra-Distict Transfer IneligClose Do not redisplay case ineligible for auto close IneligDisch Do not redisplay case ineligible for auto discharge JDBDIS Joint Debtor Discharged JDBDSM Joint Debtor Dismissed JNTADMN Jointly Administered JURY JURY LEAD Lead Case M1519 Motion for Provisional Relief Section 1519 M1521/1507 Motion for Post-Recognition Relief Section 1521/1507 MANDISCH Manual Discharge MEANSTMPEX Temporary Exclusion from Means Test MEMBER Member of an associated case NOCLOSE Do Not Close NONE NOSUM No Summons Needed OBJ1515 Objection to Recognition of Foreign Proceeding Section 1515 OBJ1519 Objection to Provisional Relief Section 1519 OBJ1521/1507 Objection to Post-Recognition Relief Section 1521/1507 OBJDISCH Objecting to Discharge ORD1515 Order on Recognition of Foreign Proceeding Section 1515 ORD1519 Order on Motion for Provisional Relief Section 1519 ORD1521/1507 Order on Motion for Post-Recognition Relief Section 1521/1507 PRA <font color=red> <strong> Pre Reform Act </strong></font> PRVDISCH Previous Discharge PRVDISM Previous Dismissal PlnAssume Docket utility event for reporting CM06 transaction PlnAssume2 Docket utility event for reporting CM06 transaction PlnAssume3 Docket utility event for reporting CM06 transaction PlnAssume4 Docket utility event for reporting CM06 transaction PlnAssume5 Docket utility event for reporting CM06 transaction PlnDue Plan Due PlnLien2 Docket utility event for reporting CM07 transaction PlnLien3 Docket utility event for reporting CM07 transaction PlnLien4 Docket utility event for reporting CM07 transaction PlnLien5 Docket utility event for reporting CM07 transaction PlnSurrender requirements of Rule 3015 PlnValue Docket utility event for reporting CM27 transaction PlnValue2 Docket utility event for reporting CM27 transaction PlnValue3 Docket utility event for reporting CM27 transaction PlnValue4 Docket utility event for reporting CM27 transaction PlnValue5 Docket utility event for reporting CM27 transaction ProSeESR Opened from an eSR package REAF Reafirmation Agreement Set For Hearing REOPENED Reopened Case REPEAT Repeat Filer ReafHdShp Reafirmation Hardship Repeat-MAB Repeat-MAB Repeat-mab prior BK filing within this court RepeatPACER prior BK filing identified by Pacer Case Locator SPLITCASE Joint Case Severed SkipPriorRelCase Skip AJT assignment because the case has a prior or related case SmBus Small Business StateExemption State Exemption Subchapter_V Chapter 11, Subchapter V TRANSIN Case Transferred into the District TRANSOUT Case Transferred Out of District TUA Taken Under Advisement TaxReq Tax Return Request WTRSVREND Withdrawal of Trustee Services Rendered Waive WAIVE WithXMLData A code to track cases opened with XML data eSR Opened from an eSR package 04/16/2003 District of Massachusetts
John W. McCormack Post Office and Courthouse, 5 Post Office Square, Room 1150, Boston, MA 02109
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